We spent the morning "hiking" today. The boys are now 4 1/2 and almost 2. This is not going to be the summer o' hiking. Let me start by saying, it was 60 degrees and sunny today, we all had a breakfast of homemade muffins and were well rested. It was complaints of being tired, hungry, and thirsty from the first step! This picture of sitting on the bench having a snack was literally about 100 feet into the walk (after Jake had carried Zachary because he refused to walk!)

Isn't that pathetic and pitiful?!

Sitting on the grass for a break about 100 feet after the bench snack!

We finally got a little action out of Zachary when we went off the trail-go figure!

Swinging break...

We found a playground and suddenly the boys came to life! Aidan was so proud that he could climb the rock wall all by himself!

Zachary found a ball-his all time favorite! He never let it leave his sight for the rest of the morning!